How can I initiate a domain transfer?

Initiate transfer

Please follow the steps described below in order to initiate a domain transfer to dd24:

  • Login into your account with dd24.
  • Chose the Transfer to dd24 widget on the dashboard.
Transfer domain widget
  1. Type the domains you want to transfer into the transfer box (one domain per line, without www.)
  2. Click on the Transfer to dd24 button.


Shortly after, you get the results of the check:

  • If the domain is available for transfer, it will be transferred directly to the shopping cart. In the shopping cart you receive further information regarding the price, term and any additional information you may need, such as authcodes, new contact details etc.
  • If the domain is not available, you will receive a corresponding notification.

If the domain is not available for a transfer, this may be due to the following reasons:

  • An active transfer block is set and the domain is not free for transfer.
  • The domain is blocked within the 60 days after registration or transfer (depending on the TLD).
Domain Transfer Results

Shopping cart

More information is requested in the shopping cart if necessary for registration.

In this case a notice will be displayed in the column Status (1) und you will get more details by clicking on the corresponding symbol (2).

If a transfer is liable to costs or if the registration period is extended during the transfer, the price (net) is displayed here (3).

Consent to our terms and conditions (4).

Click Buy now (5) to initiate the transfer.



Transfer out

If you want to transfer a domain away from dd24 to another provider, ask the new provider how to initiate the transfer.

If you want to transfer a domain to another dd24 customer please use the domainpush feature.

To transfer a .UK domain to dd24 you need to request the transfer through dd24 first. Afterwards you have to contact the current provider to change the IPS TAG of the domain to 'KEY-SYSTEMS-DE'.

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