Submit a request

You can reach our support team by phone at +49 (0) 6894 - 9396 860. Please have your account number and/or one of your domain names at hand. No paid hotline - no waiting loop. Our support staff are ready to help.

If you prefer to email us, please use the contact form below. We are committed to answer your email requests during 24 hours on working days. If your inquiries require additional support by the respective registry, the response time may be delayed.

I agree to the processing of the above data for the purpose of establishing contact with Key-Systems GmbH. Privacy policy

Get in contact with a domain owner

If you want to get in contact with a domain owner (registrant), please refer to the publicly available Whois data provided by the respective TLD registry.

Following data privacy requirements, Key-Systems does not publish contact data of its registrant customers in the public Whois for many top level domains.

To contact these registrants you can visit and send a message to a registrant of a domain managed through us via a contact form.

Complaint and Abuse Report Procedure

In the rare case of having problems with a registered domain name please send your request to our complaint management. We will take care of your matter. All requests will be answered within 72 working hours.

Alternate Dispute resolution

Consumers may also use alternate dispute resolution processes in accordance with EU directive 2013/11/EU and EU regulation 524/2013.


Support hours by phone

Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00 CET/CEST (German and English)