Contact verification


As part of the ongoing effort to improve contact quality, ICANN requires contact validation for each registrant contact registering a generic TLD.

This is required since January 1, 2014 for new TLDs and since September 2014 for the existing gTLDs.

  • Our system will send an e-mail asking every registrant contact to verify the accuracy of the contact e-mail address.
  • This e-mail confirmation is done once for each registrant contact used with a newly registered domain, whenever the registrant contact of a domain name is updated and whenever the e-mail address of a contact associated with such a domain name is modified.
  • Verification needs to be done once for each e-mail address used in a registrant contact and all other contacts using the same e-mail address will be considered successfully verified.
  • In the background, we will further perform validation checks of the other fields to ensure they are not blank and formatted correctly in accordance with ICANN-mandated specifications.
  • The data used in the contact has all required fields filled with information that is valid due to the ICANN requirements and formats: postal address to spec UPU S42 Standard, email ro spec RFC 5322, phone num to spec ITU-T E.164. Phone numbers should use the format: +CCC.NNNNNNNNNN where C is the 1–3 digit country code and N is up to 14 digits. The leading plus sign and the dot following the country code are required. To avoid delays and failed registrations, we ask that you also ensure that all submitted data is formatted correctly.
  • To avoid delays and failed registrations, we ask that you also ensure that all submitted data is formatted correctly.

If the email address provided in the owner contact can not be verified, affected domains will be suspended.

A new verification email can be requested through your dd24 account under Contact (right click the contact)

Deactivated domains will become active again within an hour once the email address has been verified.

You will receive the following email:

Dear dd24 Customer,

We would like to ask you to verify the accuracy of your dd24 registrant contact email address.

In order to provide registration services for new TLDs we are required to adopt this new ICANN requirement. During Q3 2014 the contact validation precess will be applied to all generic TLD registrations (including .com, .net, .org, .info, and .biz). The contact validation for each registrant registering a generic TLD is part of the ongoing effort to ensure contact validity by ICANN.

Verification needs to be done once for each email address used as your registration contact and all other contacts using the same e-mail address will be considered successfully verified.

Please click on the following link to confirm that you have received this email and to validate your email address:

If the above shown link should be broken, please proceed to:

and enter your personal validation token into the form field:

trigger = MTM5NTIyNDg0N.............zY0ODY3NDI=

Please note that in case you do not validate your email address, we are required to suspend your domain name registration(s) using these contact details no later than:

MM-DD-YYYY 10:27:24 UTC

After the suspension date you can always re-activate your domain name(s) by confirming the address as described above.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Your team @

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