Register new domain
Login into your account and use the Domain search widget in order to register new domains. You can enter the keyword with or without TLD.
On the widget you can select in advance if you want to effect a bulk search, a domain transfer or to register an external domain (DNS only).
Domain search
Even if you are looking for a specific domain, alternatives are shown.
Bulk search / bulk registration
There`s the possibility to effect a bulk search. To do a bulk search please enter the TLD.
You can define different keywords or domain names (1) and select the TLDs of relevance to you (2).
By clicking the "start bulk search" button the search process starts.
You can save your TLD selection for further use (4).
Below the search field the search result is displayed (5).
To add the selected domain(s) to your shopping cart, click on "Add to cart" (6).
Shopping cart (1)