The easiest way to configure your domain is to use our configuration assistant.
You will reach our configuration assistant by clicking directly on the domain name in the domain overview and in the DNS settings on "Start assistant" (1).
At the domain setup (1) you make a basic selection of what to do with your domain.
In our example, we decided to use URL forwarding (2).
In the next step (1) you determine for which domain (subdomain) this setting should also apply (2). You can also continue to create subdomains with identical fowarding (3).
For step 3 (1) please enter the target URL in the respective field (2).
In the step address bar URL (1) you only have to select whehter the forwarding should be hidden or open (301) (2).

Finally, a summary of the settings you have selected is displayed (1).
To save the configuration click on "Save" (2).
- It is not relevant whether you specify the target URL with or without a prefixed "http://" or if the destination is reachable or not. The query is redirected to the target URL exactly as you specify it.
- The syntax is only checked logically. The functionality of the target URL is not checked. Please check the functionality of the target URL beforehand if nececcary by calling it in the browser.
- Please note that changes must first be published in the DNS. This can result in a newly configured URL forwarding that only becomes effective after eitght hours.
- It can happen that a hidden redirection in the browser only shows an empty white page. This usually happens, if the target server does not accept In Frame forwarding. In this case, you must change the forwarding mode to 301.