Error upon debiting the credit card

  • You will be automatically informed by e-mail if a problem occurs with charging the credit card in your dd24 account.
  • This notification will be sent to the e-mail address specified within your Account Settings User data.
  • We will continue to try to debit the outstanding amount as long as the problem is caused by temporary errors or rejection through the credit card provider.
  • You will be notified via e-mail each time when we try to debit your credit card again regardless of whether it was successful or not.

Please note:

  • If your credit card expires (card expiration date) you will be informed via e-mail once. In this case we won't try to charge your credit card again.
  • If you receive a new credit card from your provider the old card is no longer valid because the new card has a new expiration date. Even if the credit card number does not change it is necessary to update the credit card information in your account.
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