- Create/purchase a Easy Email account(s)
- If you are using your own Name servers change the DNS records to Easy Email settings
- Check the existing storage quota used at the remote source mailbox and see if it is lesser than the Easy Email mailbox available quota. You might need to upgrade your plan, Buy Additional storage, or delete unwanted emails at the remote source mailbox
- Find out the remote IMAP server hostname and keep the source email address and password handy
- Go to the Import email data tab
- Click on the Import a mailbox button
- You need to enter the following details in the Remote IMAP details modal:
IMAP Host/IP Address (e.g., imap.secureserver.net)
IMAP Port (e.g., 993)
Source Server requires SSL (e.g, Yes)
Source email (your existing email address e.g., john@acme.corp)
Source Email Password (your email password)
Business Email (e.g., john@acme.corp)
Alternate Email address to receive notifications
Once you enter the details, click on Begin Import
That's it! Your email import gets queued up and processed subsequently.
While the migration process is on, you can process more email accounts to the import queue
The tool shall import the newest(also the most relevant) email first followed by the older ones
Spam & Trash folders (with their subfolders) won't be migrated, this is added to avoid importing unnecessary spam/trash emails. If these emails are important you can have these emails in some other genuine folder so that the same get imported
Our smart import tool picks up folders in sequence: Inbox, Drafts, Sent and then all others